Hey there .. How is it going .. I Hope everything is fine
So today let's understand what is a server in a simple way
Lets say you are in a restaurant..
In the Restaurant there will be some servants who takes your orders and servers all your orders right!. In the same way computer servers are machines that takes your requests (ordering food ) and sends the corresoding response(dishes we ordered)
More Formally ,
A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to another computer over the internet or a local network.
The one who makes the requests and receives the correspoding responses from
the server. That means if we search something on the web we are the clients
making requests and receiving response from the server.
There are different types of servers. Some of them are:
1 . Web servers hold website files and are responsible for displaying websites in a browser. Everytime you go to a new website page a web server is responsible for making that happen.
2 . Application Servers share the territory between database servers and end users.
3 .Gaming servers connect gamers around the world to external servers for access to a game. Any online gaming community such as Xbox Live or Playstation Network are these types of servers.
4 . File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers are responsible for transferring data files from the server to a computer and vice versa.
Thank you .. Hope you understand it : )